Anugerah Alam Katingan (AAK)
PT. Anugerah Alam Katingan (AAK) is a PMA company with an ownership structure comprising Cokal 75% and Indonesian owners 25%. The project is located in the North Barito Basin.
Initial geological mapping within the concession area (5,000 ha) has identified five coal outcrops with coal seam thicknesses ranging between 1.2m and 1.8m thick. The coals occur within the Haloq Sandstone, which is the same formation as the metallurgical coals of BBM and BBP.
Laboratory analysis results of one of the coal samples depicts a low ash, high specific energy coal indicative of a good quality anthracite suited to the export market. The field descriptions of the coal are also indicative of a vitreous high rank coal. Further exploration activity is expected to define a wider distribution and consistency of coal development within the concession.