Community Development
Cokal has established a number of mechanisms for ensuring that the operations taking place at our Project areas will provide benefits to community well beyond the life of exploration.
This includes supporting community development initiatives that will fundamentally improve social and economic prospects for communities, and working in partnership with the local people to manage the environmental and cultural impact of exploration activities.
At Cokal, we are dedicated to ensuring employee’s dignity, health and safety at work and providing competitive wages and equal opportunity.
Reflecting our focus on being a socially responsible employer that puts people first, we are making a world of difference through community contributions.
These include:
Local Employment Opportunities
Cokal has successfully implemented a policy of employing local personnel, where practical, at both of our locations in Indonesia, our Corporate/Technical office at Jakarta and our Site office at Puruk Cahu, Central Kalimantan. As part of its local employment strategy, Cokal identifies opportunities to provide training to local communities to better facilitate the transition into the workforce.
Another aspect of the Employment program is the ‘buy local’ strategy. The aim of this strategy is to buy locally, increasing employment opportunities in the supply chain. The Co-op currently supplies PT BBM exploration camp with a range of fresh produce and general groceries. In addition, the Co-op is responsible for providing labour to support exploration activities. It is anticipated that as the project moves into the construction phase that the Co-op will expand its role to meet additional labour requirements and logistic support, and will require the involvement of villages both further up and downstream of the project area.
Cokal is sponsoring four teachers for the Tumbang Tuan Junior High School. Prior to this sponsorship, the school was forced to close as there were no teachers available to teach at the school. With this sponsorship, the Murung Raya Department of Education has been able to recruit four teachers specifically for the school, which has enabled the school to re-open. Twenty one students so far have enrolled at the school for this initial year of the re-opened school.
Cokal also provided support to the Tumbang Tuan Village Junior Elementary School which enabled repairs to the roof, painting of the buildings, repairs to the water supply and sanitary systems. In addition, we also provided new desks, chairs, new whiteboards and educational materials for the class rooms. Following our normal process, these upgrades were completed using local volunteer labour, to enhance the interaction in the program and leave a sense of community ownership of the school facilities.
We have also established a University Scholarship program in conjunction with the Palangkaraya University. The program initially will involve PT BBM providing a stipend for students entering their first year of University in 2012. The stipend will continue until the student has completed their undergraduate studies. This program will then evolve to also target students in Senior High School within the project area, with particular preference to students that may miss the opportunity to going on to further studies, without support, for various reasons.
Cokal commenced the health program by sponsoring an ophthalmologist to visit Puruk Cahu to run a free eye health clinic. The clinic was well attended with an estimated one hundred and fifty residents attending to get a health assessment of their eyes.
Cokal shows respect to the environment within the communities, where we are privileged to operate, by integrating environmental and sustainability considerations into the company’s normal business activities.
Our environmental stewardship objectives are to minimise environmental impact, prevent pollution, mitigate associated long term financial liability and to enhance social benefit.
To deliver our objectives, Cokal commits to complying with law and regulations while establishing ongoing sustainable management of our operations. We continue to implement thorough understanding of the risks to our group associated with key environmental issues and build strategic plans to address these risks.
Cokal has an Environment, Community & Approvals team who monitor compliance with environmental and safety regulations and develop and coordinate programs for management and rehabilitation.
Initial Background
Geological Report, Central Kalimantan Projects
Altera Resources Limited (now Cokal Limited) commissioned an independent geological report by the international consulting firm SRK Consulting on the 4 Kalimantan coal exploration projects which have been acquired as part of the JDC transaction. Please click here to view the report.